Higher Commissions

Higher Commissions

The NAR Settlement was supposed to decrease real estate commissions, but they're actually higher now than in the third quarter of last year. Ok, to be fair, they are .001% higher... so really not that much. However, this would seem like nothing if it weren't for the fact that the whole NAR...

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63% Of Crimes Go Unsolved

63% Of Crimes Go Unsolved

Why am I writing about criminal statistics in a real estate blog? Am I trying to encourage illegal behavior? I'm not, but now I'm wondering if I should actually publish this... "Real estate blog sparks national surge in crime...." Maybe I should politely ask that, when you have a minute, you...

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What You Need To Know About 2024

What You Need To Know About 2024

 In 2024, we all came together to focus on what truly matters; which includes the following essential topics: A pygmy hippopotamus named Moo Deng, Raygun, and the crucial reconsideration of Jennifer Lopez's and Ben Affleck's relationship. Most importantly, Americans came together this year to read...

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