Do I Need an Oregon Real Estate Broker License to Manage Property?

by | Nov 17, 2014

(c) Can Stock Photo(Jeff Sorg, OnlineEd) – Oregon  provides for a separate property manager license for property managers and does not require a real estate broker or principal broker license. However, real estate brokers and principal brokers can also manage property, but the broker must work under a principal broker who allows property management activity. The property manager license is available after just 60 clock hours of education. The broker license requires 150 clock hours of education.

Oregon does not require any license for the property of a single owner of real estate when the manager is a full-time employee of the owner and if the property management activity is incidental to the employee’s normal, non real estate activities. For more specific information about these and other Oregon property management requirements and exceptions, please contact the Oregon Real Estate Agency.

For more information about property manager licensing and education, please visit these additional postings:


For more information about OnlineEd and their education for real estate brokers, principal brokers, property managers, and mortgage brokers, visit

  This article was published on November 17, 2014. All information contained in this posting is deemed correct and current as of this date, but is not guaranteed by the author and may have been obtained by third-party sources. Due to the fluid nature of the subject matter, regulations, requirements and laws, prices and all other information may or may not be correct in the future and should be verified if cited, shared or otherwise republished.

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