Will My Oregon Real Estate CE Count In Washington?

by | Jul 17, 2014

(Jeff Sorg, OnlineEd) – The only Oregon real estate continuing education course that counts for both Oregon and Washington continuing education for license renewal is Broker Advanced Practices. The OnlineEd 27-hour Oregon Broker Advanced Practices course is presently accepted by both the Washington Real Estate Commission  and Oregon Real Estate Agency for real estate continuing education credit.

Washington real estate licensees will need to inform the Washington Real Estate Commission of their intention to use the Oregon BAP course for CE and will need to provide their Oregon certificate for credit. Although Washington accepts this course, it is accepted as an Oregon course and OnlineEd cannot prepare a Washington specific certificate.


OnlineEd is a provider of pre-licensing, post-licensing, and continuing education for real estate licensees. For more information about OnlineEd, please visit www.OnlineEd.com.

 This article was published on July 17, 2014.  All information contained in this posting is deemed correct and current as of this date, but is not guaranteed by the author. Due to the fluid nature of the subject matter, regulations, requirements and laws, prices and all other information may or may not be correct in the future and should be verified if cited, shared, or otherwise republished.

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