New California Real Estate Requirements for 2024: What You Need to Know

by | May 24, 2023

Are you getting your California real estate license near the end of 2023 or in 2024?

Do you want to avoid having to take the same course twice?

If you answered yes to these questions, you’ll want to pay close attention to California’s new real estate course update.

California now requires anyone getting their real estate license in 2024 to take an updated version of the Real Estate Practice course that includes new material on fair housing laws and implicit bias training. Note that there is no option to take only this new portion of the Real Estate Practice course; the entire new version of Real Estate Practice must be taken. Also note that this new course is not yet available.

The only way to avoid taking the new Real Estate Practice course is to get fully licensed before Jan. 1, 2024. If you’ve taken the current Real Estate Practice course already, but you have not been licensed by the end of the year, you will have to take the Real Estate Practice course all over again, and this course will have to be the new version.

Note that Real Estate Practice is one of three courses required for licensing in California; the other two courses are Real Estate Principles and Legal Aspects of Real Estate. Only Real Estate Practice must be taken over again if you’ve taken the older version and are getting licensed in 2024.

Can’t I just take the new version of Real Estate Practice now? At OnlineEd, we have already submitted our new course for approval to the California Department of Real Estate. Typically, these courses take a number of months to be reviewed, so we are expecting approval sometime in late summer. Until then, we are only able to provide the current version of Real Estate Practice.

At OnlineEd, we have moved the expiration date of all California real estate courses to Dec. 31, 2023. If you have not made any progress in your older Real Estate Practice course by the time our new course is approved, we will automatically switch you to the new version. However, if you have made progress in the older course, we will send you a free enrollment code for the new course. Note that any progress you made in the older course will not transfer to the new one, so if you’re almost finished with the older course, it might be best to take your exam and get licensed before Jan. 1, 2024.

So what exactly are my choices again? Great question! There are essentially two options right now:

1) Complete all coursework, including the older (current) version of Real Estate Practice, and get licensed by Dec. 31, 2023


2) Start on Real Estate Principles (not Practices) and the Legal Aspects of Real Estate courses now, and then start the new version of Real Estate Practice once it is approved, and get licensed in 2023 or in 2024.

I guess there’s a third option, which is: Complete the current version of Real Estate Practice this year, and then also take the entire new version of Real Estate Practice so you can get licensed in 2024. We think our courses are great, so if you’re studying for sheer enjoyment and want to take the same course twice, this may be the best option for you!

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