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Dual Agency is Not What You Think

Dual Agency is Not What You Think

Do you think that dual agency has a clear and consistent definition? If so, then you might not entirely understand how it works. I say this as someone who used to think I knew what dual agency was; I also say this as someone who is not a lawyer, and who is in no way offering legal advice!One of...

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Leveraging Gossip as a Buyer’s Agent

Leveraging Gossip as a Buyer’s Agent

It's increasingly important to prove your value as a buyer's agent, especially in today's changing real estate landscape. One way you can excel in your market is by developing a reputation for saving people from bad situations. In my experience, bad news travels far faster than good news. Most...

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Is Your Home Terrifying?

Is Your Home Terrifying?

Before buying a property, it's a good idea to act like it's a potentially terrifying first date you just set up online. If you've ever done online dating, you understand what it's like to act casual about setting up a first date with someone exciting, while simultaneously tracking down every last...

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