Can I Lie As A Real Estate Agent?

Can I Lie As A Real Estate Agent?

This is not a question you want in your search history on your work computer, but it is a very good question. Of course, as a real estate agent, you should never conceal or lie about material facts. So, what information should you avoid disclosing? Surprisingly, the...
Paint Your House A Color No One Likes

Paint Your House A Color No One Likes

I’m not suggesting you paint your house a bland color out of spite, but because I want you to sell your house for as much money as possible. If you have a strong emotional reaction to a color, positive or negative, then you probably should not put it on your...
What Does 1.1 Baths Mean?

What Does 1.1 Baths Mean?

It doesn’t feel reassuring to see a real estate listing advertising a 1.5 bath condo, and then see in the property details that there are “1.1 bathrooms.” This is frequently confusing for buyers, and is something real estate agents have to clarify...