This is not a question you want in your search history on your work computer, but it is a very good question. Of course, as a real estate agent, you should never conceal or lie about material facts. So, what information should you avoid disclosing? Surprisingly, the...
I’m not suggesting you paint your house a bland color out of spite, but because I want you to sell your house for as much money as possible. If you have a strong emotional reaction to a color, positive or negative, then you probably should not put it on your...
It doesn’t feel reassuring to see a real estate listing advertising a 1.5 bath condo, and then see in the property details that there are “1.1 bathrooms.” This is frequently confusing for buyers, and is something real estate agents have to clarify...
A common narrative about the United States’ massive worker shortage is that people don’t want to work, so they’re vanishing from the workforce. In 2021, over 47 million workers quit, and in 2022, 38 million more workers left their jobs. Is this just...
This is going to sound insane, but hiring a lawyer to look at your condominium’s governing documents is usually cheap. There are many online sites where you can ask an expert in real estate law and pay under $100 for an answer. I myself have used one of these...